#106258 by @ 27.03.2008 21:42, edited @ 27.03.2008 21:44 - nach oben -
Han gloge

Isch doch nöd uf grichtliche Beschluss, sie händ selber entschide das besser sig

<a href= "http://www.torrentspy.com/" >lut Torrentspy</a>:

"Friends of TorrentSpy,

We have decided on our own, not due to any court order or
agreement, to bring the Torrentspy.com search engine to an
end and thus we permanently closed down worldwide on
March 24, 2008.

The legal climate in the USA for copyright, privacy of search requests,
and links to torrent files in search results is simply too hostile. We spent
the last two years, and hundreds of thousands of dollars, defending the
rights of our users and ourselves.

Ultimately the Court demanded actions that in our view were inconsistent with
our privacy policy, traditional court rules, and International law; therefore, we now feel compelled to provide
the ultimate method of privacy protection for our users - permanent shutdown.

It was a wild ride,

The TorrentSpy Team

"Big Brother in the form of an increasingly powerful government and in an
increasingly powerful private sector will pile the records high with reasons
why privacy should give way to national security, to law and order [...] and the like."
- Justice William O. Douglas"

Ich find das scho langsam bedenklich wie sogar Gricht uf "DrÀnge" vo Dritte d'Recht missachtet.
#106259 by @ 27.03.2008 21:48 - nach oben -
anderersiits isch s sozial akzeptierte grobe verletze vo geltende gsetz au "langsam bedenklich"
#106466 by @ 21.04.2008 09:23 - nach oben -
defuer isch anschienend demonoid.com wieder zrugg....