Astronomy Picture of the Day

Largest Moon of 2009 Over the Alps

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#109139 by @ 14.01.2009 00:00 - nach oben -
Largest Moon of 2009 Over the Alps

Explanation: A larger moon will not be seen this year. This past weekend, the largest full Moon of 2009 could be seen from almost any clear location on planet Earth at night. The high angular extent of the full Moon was caused by the Moon being unusually close to Earth during its full phase. Because the Moon circles the Earth in an elliptical orbit, its angular size depends on how close the Moon is to closest approach (perigee) or furthest distance (apogee). Even so, the Moon's was only about 15 percent larger in area and brightness than a more typical full Moon. In the above image, a dramatically positioned Moon was photographed rising above the Alps from Breil-sur-Roya in the southeast of France. Taken with an ordinary digital camera but extraordinary timing, the image also captured a crossing jet plane. The last full Moon, in 2008 December, was the largest full moon of 2008. digg_url = ''; digg_skin = 'compact';

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#109140 by @ 14.01.2009 08:13 - nach oben -
isch würki huere grooss gsi dä verdammt mond. leider hani mini cam nöd zur hand gha wo i en schö gseh het.
#109141 by @ 14.01.2009 13:29 - nach oben -
huere grosse michimond, hei
#109142 by @ 14.01.2009 17:19 - nach oben -
voll, er isch viel grösser als susch...
#109145 by @ 15.01.2009 07:45 - nach oben -
...und wie gross er isch
#109149 by @ 15.01.2009 08:52 - nach oben -
isch den ächt anähernd so gross wiä...
#109151 by @ 15.01.2009 15:58 - nach oben -
nei du! nei, wo denksch au hi.